==================================================================== The First International Workshop on Advanced Integrated Sensing Technologies for Safety and Security of Daily Life Sponsored by CREST, JST June 20, 2008 Held in conjunction with The 5th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems http://www.inss-conf.org Kanazawa, Japan ==================================================================== In the research area "Advanced Integrated Sensing Technologies", Safety and Security of Daily Life has been investigated by three projects, which titles are shown as the session names below. In this workshop, each project will make presentation of the outline and the results of the research at the halfway point in five years for the research period. All experts and anyone interested in safety and security of daily life are invited with no registration fee. We are looking forward to seeing you and having eager discussion at the workshop. Program Outline Invited Speaker : 2 Speakers ( will be announced ) Session 1. Moving Object Sensing Technology for Security and Safety Professor Tomomasa Sato and his members Session 2. OSOITE: Software Infrastructure of Network Sensing for Real-World Search (Overlay-network Search Oriented for Information about Town Events) Professor Yoshito Tobe and his members Session 3. Basic Technology Research on Sensing and Computational Theory of Everyday Life Behavior for Injury Prevention Doctor Yoshifumi Nishida and his members Important dates: June 20, 2008 Workshop Day Guidance of the Advanced Integrated Sensing Technologies and Our Projects Japan Science and Technology Agency: http://www.jst.go.jp/EN/ CREST(Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology): http://www.jst.go.jp/kisoken/crest/intro/pdf/crest_eng_2007-2008Dec.pdf Prof. Sato's Lab. http://www.ics.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/index.html Prof. Tobe's Lab. http://www.osoite.jp/ Dr. Nishida's Lab. http://www.dh.aist.go.jp/research/enabling/index.php.en Workshop Chair: Tomomasa Sato, Professor of the University of Tokyo Date: June 20(Fri), 2008 Schedule: 10:00~16:30 Site: Kanazawa Bunka Hall, Kanazawa, Japan Registration: Advanced Registration is required. The Registration is going to start from the end of April. Registration Fee: Free Contact: iwaist2008@ics.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp