===================================================================== Call for Papers International Workshop on SensorWebs, Databases and Mining in Networked Sensing Systems (SWDMNSS) June 6, 2007 http://www.osoite.jp/SWDMNSS/ Held in conjunction with The 4th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems http://www.inss-conf.org Braunschweig, Germany ===================================================================== !!! Submission deadline extension: March 19, 2007 !!! A SensorWeb - an Internet enabled collection of heterogeneous networked sensing systems such as sensor networks - can provide real-time and historical information representing situations, contexts and changes in the real world. There are great potentials, if people are able to query and search such information resources. Also, inter-networking technologies and information integration utilizing the world-wide-web may allow combining geographical querying techniques and web search engines in order to approach an integrated real-world search engine. This workshop aims to discuss advanced technologies on SensorWebs, databases and data mining in order to tap new information resources provided by networked sensing systems and make them useable in a large variety of application contexts. We invite technical papers about networked sensing systems, databases and data mining for spatial and temporal information and discuss technical issues on integrating sensor networks, databases and Internet technologies. The workshop will focus on data-driven and data-centric aspects of networked sensing systems rather than sensor devices and hardware architectures. Original papers on database and network technologies, e.g. sensor data, stream data, time-series data, geographic information and web information, are welcome. Topics of interest (but not limited to): * Sensor databases: managing, archiving and searching sensing data * Spatial and temporal databases for networked sensing system * Query processing architecture for spatial and temporal data * Mining, aggregation and integration of spatial and temporal data * Stream data processing and mining * Data representation and query description language for networked sensing system * Overlay network and P2P technologies for networked sensing system * Integration of heterogeneous sensor networks * Software architectures for sensor networks and databases * Networked sensing system for mobile and ubiquitous computing * Text mining, language processing, information extraction on the Web * Sensor data integration, mapping and visualization * Sensor web enablement and standardization * Location-based services and geographic information systems (SensorGIS) * Experiences on the deployment and experiments of sensor networks Submissions: Authors are requested to submit original papers of no more than 8 pages (standard Springer LNCS format), including figures, tables, and references in PDF that include contact information of all the authors. Please mail your submission to swdmnss2007@osoite.jp. Paper will be peer-reviewed and selected papers will appear in the workshop proceedings and will be published as technical report. The best papers will be invited for a special issue of the Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal (PUC). Important dates: March 19, 2007 submission deadline April 16, 2007 acceptance notification May 7, 2007 camera-ready submission June 6, 2007 workshop day Workshop organizing committee: * Yoh Shiraishi, the University of Tokyo, Japan * Christian Decker, University of Karlsruhe, Germany * Koichi Yamada, Tokyo Denki University, Japan * Hiroki Saito, Tokyo Denki University, Japan Workshop program committee: * Michael Beigl, University of Braunschweig, Germany * Christof Bornhoevd, SAP Research, Palo Alto * Erik Hoel, ESRI, USA * Takeshi Iwamoto, KDDI Labs, Japan * Aman Kansal, Microsoft Research, USA * Hideyuki Kawashima, University of Tsukuba, Japan * Arei Kobayashi, KDDI Labs, Japan * Antonio Krueger, University of Muenster, Germany * Joseph Paradiso, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA * Susanna Pirttikangas, University of Oulu, Finland * Kazunori Takashio, Keio University, Japan * Yosuke Tamura, Fixstars, Japan * Yoshito Tobe, Tokyo Denki University, Japan * Tomoki Yoshihisa, Kyoto University, Japan