Please excuse multiple copies. Please forward to interested parties. ====================================================================== Call for Papers WSNHC 2007 The 1st International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks for Health Care Held in conjunction with INSS07 The 4th International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems June 6, 2007 Braunschweig, Germany IMPORTANT DATES: Paper Submission Deadline: March 26, 2007, 5PM EST (Extended) by email to Acceptance Notification: April 20, 2007 Camera-Ready Version Due: May 7, 2007 Workshop day: June 6, 2007 Workshop Scope: With the advances in wireless sensor networks and embedded devices new solutions and possibilities are becoming available for health care. People might not be required to remain still to have their vital signs observed. The measurements taken over long periods of time and in the natural living conditions may improve diagnosis. A whole group of static and mobile smart sensors and embedded devices connected in a wireless network can collaborate to give an improved view to human health, while preserving security and privacy of the sensitive data. New technologies and devices are becoming available, such as embedding and attaching unobtrusive sensors to human bodies for long term monitoring and studies. The efforts of these activities are directed towards research about human health and aiding the diagnosis in various conditions, from home or hospital environments to extreme conditions such as triage in disaster areas. The goal of the workshop is to initiate discussions and collaborations across the disciplines of embedded sensor devices, systems and health care. The aim is to look into the future for the enabling technologies and wireless sensor devices along with the supporting systems that will aid health care in novel ways. Authors are invited to submit papers presenting new research related to embedded wireless sensor devices and systems that support health care. All submissions must describe original research, not published or currently under review for another workshop, conference, or journal. The participants are encouraged to bring mobile demo devices of a reasonable size. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to: * Enabling technologies * Novel sensor devices * Wearable sensors * Usability, unobtrusiveness and packaging * Device and service discovery * Device mobility and connectivity * Sensor mobility and motion compensation * Data query, transport and storage * Security and privacy * Reliability and self healing * Power management and energy harvesting * User interfaces for mobile sensors Paper Submission: Please send your submissions to All papers will be submitted electronically and must be in PDF format, no longer than 6 pages including the figures, tables, and references, two columns per page, with a font size no smaller than 10 points. The first page of each paper must include the names and affiliations of the authors. Papers will be peer-reviewed and the accepted papers will be published in the workshop proceedings. The best papers will be invited for a special issue of the Personal and Ubiquitous Computing Journal (PUC). Workshop organizing and technical program committee members are listed on the workshop webpage at Please email questions related to paper submission or the technical program to selavo at cs. virginia. edu. ======================================================================