Workshops in Conjunction with Fourth International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems
June 16, 2008 // Kanazawa, Japan
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The First International Workshop on Contents Creation Activity Support by Networked Sensing (CCASNS)


Important dates:

March 31, 2008submission deadline
April 7, 2008acceptance notification
April 18, 2008camera-ready submission
June 16, 2008workshop day

Workshop Scope:

Networked sensing is expected to help us create various kinds of contents based on the activities in our daily lives. Network sensing includes not only real world sensing technologies such as those found in tangible interfaces and ubiquitous or wearable computing, but also mining technologies of cyberspace such as webspaces or social networking services. People express themselves and their feelings in forms such as text (ex. diaries or poems), images (ex. drawings, computer graphics or photographs), sounds (ex. clapping, singing, playing musical instruments), videos (ex. video-blogs of daily life) or combinations of these media with various kinds of annotation.

Networked sensing will enhance and enrich people's contents creation activities by capturing daily activities with sensors embedded in the environment, user interfaces or Web applications. Sensor data mining technology and pattern recognition technologies are important for recognizing user activities or situations such as their interests and social networks, and subsequent adding of annotations to those contents. The design of online spaces for the generation of community will also influence the motivations or incentives of users. Combining virtual spaces and real world workshops will accelerate content-creation activities by supporting users in their learning of certain expression methodologies. Users will be stimulated by other's contents and create contents collaboratively. Cultural programs, which shape user activities from the perspective of media society will actively support contents creation in a sustainable manner.

In the workshop, we will share attendees' backgrounds and discuss about networked sensing, contents-creation activities, cyberspace, real world workshops and cultural programs. Demonstrations or deploying supporting systems for the workshop itself are highly welcome.

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International Workshop on Principles of Safety Communications (POSC 2008)


Important dates:

March 31, 2008submission deadline
April 7, 2008acceptance notification
April 18, 2008camera-ready submission
June 16, 2008workshop day

Workshop Scope:

The communication system is based on serial data transfer and used in industrial automation or process control applications. Implementation of a functional safety communication profile in a standard device is not sufficient to qualify this device as safe. The necessary measures to achieve the risk reduction of fault avoidance and fault control require a definite design of safe communication system. However, safe communication via a bus does not ensure on its own that the transferred safety-relevant function is also safe. The information must be produced and processed safely.

Safety communication layers which are implemented as parts of safety-related systems according to IEC 61508 provide the necessary reliability in the transfer of messages (information) between two or more participants on a network in a safety-related system as well as a reliability regarding the safe behaviour in case of network failures. Safety communication layers specified in IEC 61784-3 provide this so that a network can be used for applications requiring functional safety up to the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) specified by its corresponding functional safety communication profile.

This workshop discusses reliable communication systems to functional safety, detection of failures such as repetitions, losses, inclusions, wrong sequences, data corruptions, or delayed messages between safety and not safety data. For this, in addition to appropriate test procedures, different network topologies will be realised. In addition to Unicast, Multicast-communications are also possible, and in addition to conventional Master-Slave- also Slave-Slave-connections. The data exchanged between two safety-participants will be encapsulated, i. e. both terminals of a connection guarantee the safety integrity. The transport layers will be called "Black Channel".

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International Workshop on Advanced Integrated Sensing Technologies for Safety and Security of Daily Life (IWAIST2008)


Important dates:

June 20, 2008Workshop Day

Workshop Scope:

In the research area "Advanced Integrated Sensing Technologies", Safety and Security of Daily Life has been investigated by three projects, which titles are shown as the session names below. In this workshop, each project will make presentation of the outline and the results of the research at the halfway point in five years for the research period. All experts and anyone interested in safety and security of daily life are invited with no registration fee. We are looking forward to seeing you and having eager discussion at the workshop.

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