Seventh International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems
June 15 - 18, 2010 // Congress Palais // Kassel, Germany

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Call for Papers

Download: cfp_inss_2010.pdf, cfp_inss2010.txt

During the past years, the International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS) has established itself as THE scientific event where academic and industrial experts from the areas of sensor systems, wireless networks, and sensor network applications come together. The INSS provides a forum to hear about the latest developments in these areas, to exchange ideas, and to start up collaborations within these fields and between industry and academia.

INSS 2010 is the seventh annual conference in the series, and features a highly selective technical program. We invite outstanding research papers from the field of sensor technology, wireless networking, or application of networked sensor systems. The conference especially encourages submissions that investigate research issues shared between all three areas.

INSS 2010 invites the submission of regular, short, and industry papers. All submissions will be peer-reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, significance of contribution, technical correctness, and presentation. Papers submitted must not be under simultaneous review for any other conference, journal, workshop, or other publication. All accepted papers will be published from IEEE Explore. Authors are required to attend the conference to present their work.

Regular/Short Paper Track

Regular papers must be 4-8 pages long (two-column format) and include an abstract of 100-150 words. Short papers must be 2-4 pages long (two-column format) and include an abstract of 100-150 words. All papers should be formatted according to the "IEEE transactions" format . Short papers are suitable for interactive discussions. Presentation time of accepted regular and short papers is decided on acceptance notification. Topics of regular paper track include but are not limited to:
  • Applications of Networked Sensing Systems
  • Prototypes, Field Studies & Testbeds for Networked Sensing Systems
  • Safety and Security of Networked Sensing Systems
  • Data Management for Networked Sensing Systems
  • Middleware for Networked Sensing Systems
  • Communication Protocols
  • Sensor Phenomena and Modeling
  • Sensors and Sensing Systems
  • Materials, Fabrication, and Packaging of Sensors

Industry Paper Track

cfp_industry_inss2010.pdf, cfp_industry_inss2010.txt

New and interesting developments in networks for industrial applications can be recognised, whether in the area of sensor systems, wireless networks, industrial network applications, networks for safety related systems and applications, different security aspects in networks fault tolerant and redundant networks and many others. This session focuses on innovative, new and interesting network applications and research results for industries or developments which will be important in the near future. The industry track intend to provide discussion for practitioners, developers, and researchers in order to examine practical issues.

The Industry Track supports (but is not limited to) the following topics:

  • Network based communication
  • Industrial applications
  • Sensor networks and applications
  • Safety applications in networks
  • Mathematical modelling for safety applications
  • Security aspect in industrial applications
  • New and innovative design for sensors and network systems
  • New research and project results in the are of sensors and network systems
  • Designing networked sensing systems for commercial applications
  • Service models and architectures for successful deployments
  • Production engineering for networked sensing systems
  • Deployment and evaluation of networked sensing systems in practical applications

Paper Submissions:
Industry papers must be 2-4 pages long (two-column format) and include an abstract of 100- 150 words. Papers have to follow the "IEEE transactions" format . The submitted industry papers will be reviewed by industry track TPC members. Accepted industry papers will be presented in the main conference's industry track session. Presentation time is decided on acceptance notification.

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Paper Submission

Papers should be submitted as PDF files through EDAS (

Important Dates

Paper Submissions Due: December 24th, 2009 (FINAL EXTENSION)
Paper Registration: December 24th, 2009
Notification of Acceptance: March 29th, 2010 (Postponed)
Camera-Ready Papers: April 15th, 2010
Conference Dates: June 15 - 18, 2010

Important Dates for Industry Track

Paper Submissions Due: March 1st, 2010 (EXTENDED)
Notification of Acceptance: March 30th, 2010
Camera-Ready Papers: April 15th, 2010
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