Seventh International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems
June 15 - 18, 2010 // Congress Palais // Kassel, Germany

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The First International Workshop on Human Behavior Sensing (HBS2010)


Important dates:

March 26, 2010submission deadline (extended)
April 26, 2010acceptance notification
May 15, 2010camera-ready submission
June 15, 2010workshop day

Workshop Scope:

Sensing of humans, specifically human actions and behaviors, is an important topic that plays an important role in many applications / fields such as surveillance, security, marketing, Intelligent Transport Systems, human interface, etc. Many researchers have been dealing with this topic, and recent improvements of sensing devices, computers, and network technologies are opening up the new era of human sensing technologies.

This workshop focuses on human behavior sensing, taking advantage of network technologies. Vision sensors have been most widely used for this purpose. In this workshop, we welcome studies that use any kind of sensor, such as range sensors, audio sensors, infrared sensors, some wearable sensors, and of course vision sensors such as stereo cameras. Studies on fundamental techniques and applications to special issues are both welcome. Additionally, any kind of human behaviors or strategies to observe them are in the scope of this workshop.


Authors are invited to submit a paper of 4-8 pages describing their original works. All papers should be formatted according to the "IEEE transactions" format as INSS main conference. Please send your papers (PDF file) to [email protected] by e-mail. Papers will be peer-reviewed, and accepted papers will appear in the workshop proceedings.
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ULC-WSN: Workshop on Ultra-Low-Cost Wireless Sensor Networks and their Applications at the INSS'10


Important dates:

March 15, 2010submission deadline
April 15, 2010acceptance notification
June, 2010Workshop (date will be posted)

Workshop Scope:

The wireless sensor network (WSN) community is approaching its 10th birthday and still the killer application which will make these devices ubiquitous has eluded researchers and developers. One approach which will be investigated is that it is possible to create ingenious applications using simple technology, and that these applications can have a great impact because the technology is relatively simple.

Most of the WSN literature displays great applications based on cutting-edge technology, but these applications are often prohibitively expensive due to their nature. The status quo of a networked sensing system has been based on high-cost nodes (>100 USD) and time and effort-intensive development, all of which leads to highly functional yet highly complex and expensive WSN applications. A new approach to the field is the concept of ultra-low-cost wireless sensor networks (ULC WSN) which would allow for applications of miniature ultra-low-cost wireless sensor nodes (<20 USD) as well as low-cost rapid development.

These qualities come naturally at a price, which is low resources available on the nodes. As any developer knows, the most expensive part of any WSN application is the time-intensive development. Here again the ULC WSN approach foresees low-cost light-weight rapid development (<2 hours), but at the cost of application complexity (comparable to a restricted instruction set). Although low-cost sensor nodes and rapid development environments exist, application scenarios for a combination of both of them have not yet been explored.

This workshop will try to explore what can be done with WSN technology designed with cost as the primary design factor. Recent developments have created the basis for unprecedentedly affordable WSN development tools which open new application spaces previously inaccessible due to the prohibitive cost of development and technology. These scenarios will be explored by encouraging participants to come up with applications based on and enabled by ultra-low-cost wireless sensor network technology. Participants will be asked to submit ideas for applications which can be implemented quickly (15 minutes or less with a configurable WSN platform) on a miniature simplistic ultra-low-cost wireless sensor network.

The communication system is based on serial data transfer and used in industrial automation or process control applications. Implementation of a functional safety communication profile in a standard device is not sufficient to qualify this device as safe. The necessary measures to achieve the risk reduction of fault avoidance and fault control require a definite design of safe communication system. However, safe communication via a bus does not ensure on its own that the transferred safety-relevant function is also safe. The information must be produced and processed safely.


Submissions are requested on the topic of ultra-low-cost wireless sensor networks and their applications. Submissions should address the questions of available platforms, potential for improvement in this field, potential application areas, developers, users, innovations which affect ULC WSN technology or any other ULC WSN related theme. Each submission should contain an idea, recommendation or example of an application of an ULC WSN. The papers should provide a method for implementing the example in 15 minutes or less with an out-of-box ULC WSN configurable platform and indicate a method for evaluating the application. Implementational examples and ideas should be original, though that is not a requirement for submission. The number of participants is limited to 15 based on the submissions.

Papers should be submitted in "IEEE transactions" format with a maximum of four pages. Accepted papers will be published by the Technische Universitaet Braunschweig as a technical report and on the Internet, as well as on the workshop website. Depending on the outcome of the workshop we will ask for a special submission to a journal (Personal and Mobile Computing) on the topic. Participants will then be invited to submit an extended version of their workshop contribution which includes the experience gathered in the workshop as a journal submission. The outcome of the workshop can also be presented at the INSS conference in the main track as a short presentation.

The workshop organizers will select participants based on a review of submitted position papers, taking into account scientific quality and relation to the workshop topics. Submissions, questions comments and feedback can be emailed to Dawud Gordon at [email protected].

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